
Showing posts from July, 2012

Diaper rash

You are seeing a 6month old baby girl for a well child check. The mother mentions that the baby was recently seen at the ER and was diagnosed with a right ear infection  2 weeks back. She was started on amoxicillin and completed the course 2-3 days back. Around the same time mom notes that the baby was having runny stools when she was using pedialyte and having bowel movements  almost 7-8 times / day. When you examine the baby you note she has an erythematous rash involving her diaper area which extends into her skin folds, you also notice that there are smaller satellite lesions adjacent to the main rash. The baby gets really fussy as you examine the diaper site, but easily consoles once you bundle her up. You explain to mom what you think the rash is , start her on nystatin cream, update her shots, give anticipatory guidance and discharge them home. 1. Looking at the rash in the picture below what is the probable etiology? How do you differentiate it with other causes? ...